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Food Bank

Longridge Foodbank, which is part of the Ribble Valley Foodbank, is open in St Paul's on Fridays from 11am-1.30pm. It is ecumenical and the volunteers who run it are from all of the churches in Longridge. The Trussell Trust is the parent organisation. If you want to know more about the Foodbank or you are in need of help you can find more information by going to

or you can telephone 07849534431

Shortages urgently needed

Washing up liquid     Sponge puddings      Tinned meat      Tin/cartons custard      Tinned Vegetables         Tinned Potatoes     Rice pudding

Tinned tomatoes     Pasta sauces     Instant mash potatoes     Biscuits     Tinned fruit      Long life fruit juice     Coffee      Long life milk

 Toilet rolls     Soap       Male and female deodorant     Toothpaste     Toothbrushes     Shampoo