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Vision and Values

Following Jesus in Loving Community is the new Vision for St Lawrence with St Paul.

Following Jesus in Loving Community is about obeying the Greatest Commandment, to love God and to love our neighbour.

Following Jesus in Loving Community is about growing as disciples of Jesus and strengthening our relationships inside and outside of church.

Following Jesus in Loving Community is about making all people feel welcome by recognising that there are those who prefer traditional Anglican styles of worship while doing more to reach out to attract people unfamiliar with church or the good news of Jesus. It’s about using our two church buildings wisely.   

Following Jesus in Loving Community is about growing leaders and sowing the seeds for fruitful and ambitious growth in the future.

Following Jesus in Loving Community is drawn from the legacy of the two Patron Saints our church buildings are named after:

From St Paul we get the first part of our VisionFollowing Jesus

St Paul was a persecutor of the early Christian Church until he had a dramatic encounter with the risen Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus. This led to a complete turnaround in Paul’s life and he’s renowned for being a church planter, a missionary, a teacher and a theologian. He was also willing to suffer for his convictions and is famous for his doctrine that we are saved by faith and not works. In this Paul magnifies the grace of God.

From St Paul we can infer values of:

  • being expectant that God transforms lives
  • reaching out to those who don’t know Jesus
  • being a learning community
  • displaying the grace of God

From St Lawrence we get the second part of our Vision - in Loving Community

St Lawrence was a Deacon in Rome responsible for distribution of alms to those in need. Legend has it that when the Prefect of Rome demanded Lawrence bring out the treasures of the Church for confiscation he brought out all those who had benefited from the Churches’ support, declaring these are the true treasures of the Church. The Prefect was so angry he had Lawrence grid-ironed over hot coals. Before going into glory Lawrence is reputed to have said, ‘I’m well done on this side, turn me over.’ For this reason, he’s known as the patron saint of chefs and comedians.

From St Lawrence we can infer values of:

  • generosity to those in need
  • hospitality involving the sharing of food
  • being willing to make sacrifices for the sake of others
  • making sure we have Fun

Following Jesus in Loving Community is the new Vision for St Lawrence with St Paul and during our church services in first quarter of 2019 its implications, including how we hope to resource it with are time, talents and treasures, will be elaborated on and explained. 

For more information about Following Jesus in Loving Community, including how you can get involved please email .